Partial Client List

Bouchard Gold Partners is proud of this select listing of our clients, and proud of the successes we've helped them achieve.

  • President Joe Biden

  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island)

  • Senator Tom Udall (New Mexico)

  • Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)

  • Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (New Mexico)

  • Governor Gina Raimondo (Rhode Island)

  • Governor Ed Rendell (Pennsylvania)

  • Governor Bill Richardson (New Mexico)

  • Governor Ann Richards (Texas)

  • Congresswoman Betty McCollum (Minnesota)

  • Congressman Harry Teague (New Mexico)

  • Congressman Keith Ellison (Minnesota)

  • Congressman Lloyd Doggett (Texas)

  • Mayor Greg Fischer (Louisville, Kentucky)

  • Mayor Francis Slay (St. Louis, Missouri)

  • County Executive Dr. Sam Page (St. Louis County, Missouri)

  • Attorney General Hector Balderas (New Mexico)

  • Justice John Hutchison (WV Supreme Court)

  • District Judge Tammy Kemp (Dallas, Texas)

  • State Delegate Mike Pushkin (West Virginia)

  • State Delegate Andrew Robinson (West Virginia)

  • Supervisor Dan Storck (Fairfax County, Virginia)

  • Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

  • Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC)  

  • Democratic Governors Association (DGA)

  • EMILY’s List

  • Organizers in the Land of Enchantment (OLÉ), New Mexico

  • Chicago Federation of Labor

  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

  • National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)

  • International Union of Operating Engineers-Local 150 (IUOE)

  • American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)

  • Working America

  • New Jersey Workers' Voices

  • Texans for America's Future

  • First Tuesday PAC

  • Patriot Majority New Mexico

  • Kentucky Family Values

  • West Virginia Family Values

  • Wisconsin Jobs Now

  • Voces de la Frontera Action (Wisconsin)

  • Environment Ohio

  • Repower America/Alliance for Climate Protection

  • League of Conservation Voters

  • Colorado Conservation Victory Fund

  • Conservation Voters New Mexico

  • Human Rights Campaign

  • Missouri Hospital Association

  • Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital (Georgia)

  • Coalition for a Better District of Columbia

  • Majority Action PAC

  • Progressive Future

  • Progressive Colorado Voter Committee

  • Progressive Massachusetts

  • Southern Progress Action Fund

  • Florida America Votes

  • Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas

  • Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast Action Fund PAC

  • Planned Parenthood of North Texas Action Fund PAC

  • Planned Parenthood of South Texas Votes PAC

  • Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico

  • Citizens for Cherry Creek Schools (Colorado) 

  • Yes on Proposition E, St. Louis (Missouri) City Earnings Tax

  • Yes on 1 & 2, Constitutional Amendments on Education (New Mexico)

  • Yes on Proposition U, St. Louis (Missouri) City Use Tax

  • No on Amending Baton Rouge (Louisiana) Plan of Government

  • Yes on 3C, Aurora Citizens for Excellent Schools (Colorado) 

  • California State Democratic Party

  • Florida State Democratic Party

  • Georgia State Democratic Party

  • Kentucky State Democratic Party

  • Louisiana State Democratic Party

  • Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party

  • Missouri Democratic Party

  • New Mexico State Democratic Party

  • North Carolina State Democratic Party

  • Ohio Democratic Party

  • Pennsylvania State Democratic Party

  • Rhode Island Democratic Party

  • South Carolina Democratic Party

  • Texas State Democratic Party

  • Virginia State Democratic Party


President Joe Biden

Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

Representative Betty McCollum

Texas Democratic Party